How Do I Know If My Chimney Needs Cleaning?

Are you scratching your head, wondering when it’s time to give your chimney a little TLC? You’re not alone! Keeping our chimneys in tip-top shape is crucial, but it’s often one of those ‘out of sight, out of mind’ things. Here some tell-tale signs that it’s time to roll up your sleeves or call in the pros (like us!) for a chimney makeover.

Article (actually) written: December 2023

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Dirty Chimney that Needs Cleaning

1. Sooty Signs and Sticky Creosote

First off, let’s talk about soot and creosote – that gunky stuff that sticks around after cozy fires. If you’re peering up your chimney and see a thick, black layer, it’s like your chimney is shouting, “Clean me!”

DIY Tip: Grab a flashlight and take a peek. If you’ve got more than a thin layer of soot, it’s time to consider a clean-up.

2. When Your Fireplace Acts Up

Is your fireplace not its usual fiery self? If smoke’s playing hide and seek, coming back into the room, or if it feels like your wood just isn’t burning right, your chimney might be crying out for help.

DIY Tip: You can do a quick visual check for any obvious blockages, but remember, safety first!

3. Smells Like Trouble

If your chimney or fireplace starts smelling like last week’s rain, that’s a sign something’s up. Damp, musty smells can mean there’s unwanted moisture mixing with the soot and creosote.

DIY Tip: Trust your nose! If things smell off, especially after it rains, it’s a clue.

4. Critters Making Themselves at Home?

Hear fluttering or scurrying up there? Birds or squirrels might think your chimney’s a great place to set up shop.

DIY Tip: Keep an ear out for wildlife sounds and be on the lookout for nesting debris in your fireplace.

5. It’s Been a While, Hasn’t It?

Chimney care is like a yearly checkup – it’s better to stay on top of it. If it’s been a year or more, it’s probably time for a professional peek, even if everything seems alright.

Lord Brassburn, Gentleman, Chimney Expert

“Fancy a chimney spruce-up by the pros? Give us a shout, and let’s get your chimney feeling loved and cared for!”

Is Once a Year Often Enough?

If you’re someone who loves a good fire crackling in the fireplace regularly throughout the cold months (roughly a cord of wood each season), you’re likely to need at least an annual chimney cleaning.  If you burn less than half a cord of wood over the winter, you might be okay with a cleaning every other year. But, keep an eye out for the signs we mentioned earlier, just to be safe.  For the folks who practically live by their fireplace in the winter, or if you use your fireplace as a primary heat source, you might need to consider more frequent cleanings.

There are certain situations where you might need to clean your chimney more than once a year, regardless of how much wood you burn. These include:

  • Burning Green or Unseasoned Wood: This type of wood creates more creosote. If you’ve been burning wood that hasn’t been properly dried, keep a closer eye on your chimney.
  • Older Fireplaces or Stoves: These might not burn as efficiently, leading to more residue.
  • Experiencing a Chimney Fire: If you’ve had even a small chimney fire, get it cleaned and inspected immediately.

A Nudge Towards Professional Care

While these DIY tips are great for a quick check-up, there’s no substitute for a thorough professional cleaning. That’s where we come in! We don’t just sweep away soot; we’re talking a full, top-to-bottom service that leaves your chimney spotless, safe, and efficient. Plus, we check for any wear and tear that might need attention.  For real peace of mind, professional care is the way to go. We’re here to help with that – contact us to request a quote or schedule service.

About the Author

Meet the esteemed ‘Lord Brassburn,’ a moniker as grand as the chimneys he champions, yet beneath this Victorian-style cloak of mystery lies the true chimney connoisseur, Tony Latino. With a brush in hand and soot in his soul, Tony has reigned over the chimney cleaning empire for 30 years, mastering the art of chimney wizardry—from sweeping grand fireplaces to crafting sturdy stucco with the finesse of a seasoned artisan. His expertise in fire safety shines brighter than any flame, offering wisdom that complements, but humbly bows to, the expertise of our brave firefighters. Passionate and unparalleled in his craft, Tony has lovingly passed the torch (or should we say brush?) to his son, ensuring the family legacy burns as brightly as a well-tended hearth. Fear not, dear readers, for each word in our blog is sifted through the discerning eyes of Tony himself, guaranteeing the spark of authenticity in every post. Rest assured, Lord Brassburn’s Associate, Tony Latino, is no mere chimney sweep, but a true steward of the flame!

Lord Brassburn, Gentleman, Chimney Expert