Chimney Inspections

Go from soot to safe with our professional chimney inspections!

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Chimney Inspections

Our chimney inspection focuses on both the exterior and interior components of the chimney. Our technicians examine the masonry for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, missing bricks, or deteriorated mortar joints, as well as critical elements like the cap, crown, and flashing looking for potential sources of damage. We then carefully assess for any creosote buildup, fire hazards, obstructions or nesting, and flue condition to ensure the chimney will function properly and safely

Why you should inspect your chimney regularly:

Early Detection of Repairs

Inspections can catch small problems before they become major, expensive repairs.

Fire Prevention

Regular inspections help identify and remove dangerous creosote buildup, which is a leading cause of chimney fires.

Efficiency and Performance

An inspection ensures that the chimney is functioning optimally, which can lead to better heating efficiency and lower energy costs.

Maintains Home Value

A well-maintained chimney can enhance the overall value and marketability of your home.

Fights Water Damage

A well-maintained chimney is less likely to allow water penetration, which can lead to costly damage to your home’s interior and the chimney itself.

Pest Prevention

A well-maintained chimney is less likely to allow water penetration, which can lead to costly damage to your home’s interior and the chimney itself.

Compliance and Insurance

Many insurance policies require regular chimney inspections to maintain coverage. Getting annual chimney inspections will ensure your chimney is up to current code.

Protects your Health

Inspections ensure that there are no obstructions or damage that could lead to the release of harmful carbon monoxide gas into your home.

Stay up to Code

If you’re renovating or selling your home, an inspection can ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your chimney is in good condition provides peace of mind and confidence in the safety of your home.

Need an Estimate?

Let us provide a hassle-free quote with totally transparent and up-front pricing!